Israel Claims New Map of Gaza Indicates Safe Area, But 32 People Died in Friday's Attack

JAKARTA - Israeli authorities claim the new map they published, which divides the Gaza area into hundreds of small zones, will make it easier for civilians to know safe locations if fighting breaks out, but 32 people were killed in Friday's Israeli attack on the enclave, the majority of them women and children.

Israel launched an attack on the Gaza region on Friday, after it downed a rocket it claimed was fired from the territory, an hour before the ceasefire expired at 07:00 local time, after no agreement was reached to extend it.

Thirty-two people were killed and dozens more injured as a result of Israeli attacks in Gaza on Friday, according to a spokesperson for the Ministry of Health in Gaza, reported by CNN, November 1.

Dr. Ashraf Al-Qudra said the majority of those killed were women and children.

Meanwhile, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) published a map dividing the Gaza Strip into hundreds of small zones, which will be used to inform Palestinian civilians about active fighting zones.

The report asks Palestinians to pay attention to their territory numbers, and to follow the IDF's future developments.

The military may use these maps to ask Palestinians from certain areas to evacuate when the IDF ground offensive expands into the southern Gaza Strip, rather than ordering mass evacuations as has occurred in the northern part of Gaza.

"The IDF operates strongly, while making great efforts to distinguish between civilians and terrorists," the IDF said in its message to Gaza residents, reported by The Times of Israel.

"The people of Gaza are not our enemies. Therefore, starting this morning the IDF is leading a controlled and specific evacuation of Gazans to remove as many of them as possible from the fighting area," he continued.

Quoting Reuters, the statement was related to the Israeli army website in Arabic which shows the Evacuation Zone Map. It said Arabic-language videos had been released on social networks and maps distributed by the army in Gaza.

As previously reported, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the Israeli military was continuing fighting in Gaza, because the Hamas militant group violated the terms of the ceasefire between both parties.

Hamas "today did not honor its obligation to release all the kidnapped women and launched rockets at Israeli citizens," PM Netanyahu said