Sharon Osbourne: Ozzy Is The Core Of Rock And Roll

JAKARTA - Ozzy Osbourne was awarded the Icon Award in the first edition of the Rolling Stone UK Awards on November 23 in London, Curtain Roundhouse, England.

Ozzy's wife and manager, Sharon Osbourne, received the award on behalf of Yungblud, and delivered a message to the audience.

"Sorry friends, you guys got a booby present tonight. You got me, not the legend. But Rolling Stone UK, you don't know what that means for an artist to appear on the cover of Rolling Stone," Sharon said.

"I remember when Ozzy first appeared on the cover. He said, 'Does this mean I'm already worth it now?' And I was like, 'Yes, I think so. From all other music press, Rolling Stone has always been the most important," he continued.

"It's the only music magazine and the only music magazine out there covering every genre of music. Everyone is involved and the journalists are so cool and you know that if you cover it, you have an impact on what you love, namely music and that's all Ozzy knows throughout his life."

Sharon added, when Ozzy first met Yungblud, she said; 'I just met myself'. Yes, Ozzy worships him. For that, Sharon was very upset that Ozzy could not attend the event that night.

Ozzy's worst thing was to put him in the studio because he was confined and he hated him, but he always managed to come out victorious. He has been making music for 55 years and he never had a useless album. He sold 150 million albums in 55 years, and I am very proud of him as a man, and as a musician, Sharon continued.

"It is an honor for me to be behind him. Thank you for constantly supporting him. Ozzy is at the heart of rock and roll. He's wild, he's amazing, he's talented. He's like an animal that is not locked up, and I worship him and I know you all love him. Thank you very much."