The Ministry Of PPPA The Value Of Life Imprisonment Can Be Implemented For The Case Of Father Having Sex With His Biological Child

JAKARTA - Deputy for Child Protection of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) Nahar spoke about the alleged rape of a father with the initials MN (53) against his biological child FN (17) in the Pondok Aren area, South Tangerang.

According to him, the punishment that is appropriate for a father who has sexual intercourse with his own child is a life sentence.

"If the evidence is sufficient, then we hope that the police can provide maximum threats to the perpetrators because the responsibility of parents who should protect is actually contradictory. In fact, they committed serious violations," said Nahar when confirmed, Thursday, November 30.

Nahar also said that if you look at the chronological series to the threats given by the father to the victim, it is a case that must be handled seriously.

Because in his threats the perpetrators scare the victim if he will not give pocket money if he does not comply.

Then they spread and beat until death threats. So that the victim was trapped in the situation and conditions, the sexual intercourse finally took place.

"That's what affects the condition, where the situation makes the child trapped in a situation that cannot protect himself," he said.

He considered that in this case, there were several factors that made the perpetrators commit these heinous acts. One of them is economic factors.

According to Nahar, for example, when the victim was sexually assaulted by the perpetrator when his mother was selling for money. So that economic factors are the cause, because if the mother does not sell. Then the victim will not get this bitter experience.

"(Then) There are other factors, the trigger could be, why, for example, this father has the heart to do that to his own child? Maybe because he is affected by the environment or maybe he is affected by the spectacle or he deliberately does that," he said.

"So, the threat of punishment is clear that when parents or families have intercourse with their children, the maximum sentence can be applied. And, it can also be life imprisonment. If a certain case, the death penalty and castration, "he concluded.