Geger The Discovery Of A Baby's Body That Was Dragged By Animals In South Lampung, The Police Carried Out An Investigation

South Lampung Police Criminal Investigation Unit personnel, Lampung Police, investigated the case of the discovery of the bodies of two babies found by residents in Tanjung Bintang District, South Lampung Regency.Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Lampung Police, AKP Dhedi Ardi Putra, said that his party was continuing to investigate the discovery of a baby in Tanjung Bintang District."For the discovery of our baby, we have issued an LP for the basis of carrying out investigative steps," he said in Kalianda, Antara, Thursday, November 30.He also said that his party would also continue to carry out patrols to tighten supervision on areas prone to criminal acts."If the steps taken by the police, from criminal data, from there it can be determined how to act, both from the Samapta patrol function, Babin to law enforcement by the Criminal Investigation Department," he said.On Sunday, November 26, residents were shocked by the discovery of the body of a baby boy with an incomplete body, suspected of being bitten by a dog.Then, residents were shocked again by the discovery of the corpse of a female baby on the terrace of the house on Wednesday, November 29.The baby boy was found by residents, precisely in Kedaton 7 Hamlet, Sabah Balau Village, Tanjung Bintang District, South Lampung Regency with the body of a baby that had been torn apart. Residents suspect the body was bitten by a dog."For the first baby found to be male, the baby is estimated to be 5 months old, found dead in plastic dragged by a dog," he said.
Then the discovery of the body of the second baby was that the female was found on the terrace belonging to a resident of Hamlet 3B, Sabah Balau Village, Tanjung Bintang District, South Lampung, Wednesday (29/11/2023) at around 01.30 WIB. The baby is estimated to have just been born because there is still a umbilical cord.