Rokan Hilir And Bengkalis Flood Emergency Alert

PeKANBARU - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Riau Province said that currently there are two areas that have established flood emergency alert status in the local area, namely Rokan Hilir and Bengkalis Regencies.

"There are two districts that have set flood emergency alert status, Rokan Hilir and Bengkalis. We will evaluate this and report it to the Governor to determine the status of the provincial level flood," said Head of BPBD Riau M Edy Afrizal, in Pekanbaru as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, November 30.

BPBD Riau has carried out mapping and inventory of areas in Riau that are prone to flooding. The results of the inventory are a number of areas in Riau that have the potential for flooding.

Even from the current monitoring results, he said, a number of areas in Riau have begun to be hit by floods, such as in Kampar, Rokan Hulu, Rokan Hilir, Bengkalis, Meranti, Pelalawan and Indragiri Hilir, and Dumai.

Edy said the flood conditions in Riau were mostly influenced by the overflow of water discharge in four large rivers in Riau, namely the Kampar, Rokan, Siak, and Indragiri rivers.

"Riau has four large rivers. After we have an inventory, the vulnerable ones are in Kampar, the impact reaches Pelalawan because of the overflow of the Kampar River," he said.

Then in Rokan Hulu and Rokan downstream, he said, much of the water discharge sent from West Sumatra and North Sumatra entered the Rokan River. Especially the areas bordering Rokan Hilir and Rokan Hulu.

"There was a water shipment from the direction of Padang Lawas (North Sumatra) and Pasaman (West Sumatra) which flowed to Rokan Hulu," he said.