Central China's Value Of Overwhelmed Internal Problems, Taiwan's President: Not The Right Time To Consider Invasion

JAKARTA - President Tsai Ing-wen said Chinese authorities were overwhelmed with internal issues to consider an invasion of Taiwan.

China, which views democratically-ruled Taiwan as its own territory, has increased military pressure on the island over the past four years, causing fears of a conflict that will have a global impact.

However, President Tsai, in a transcript of a New York Times DealBook Summit interview published by his office on Thursday, said China had too many problems at this time.

"In my opinion, China's leadership is currently overwhelmed with its internal challenges. And in my opinion, maybe this is not the right time for them to consider a massive invasion of Taiwan," he said.

"Most of them are due to economic and financial challenges as well as internal politics, but also, the international community has stated loudly and clearly that war is not an option and peace and stability serves the interests of everyone."

President Tsai and his government have repeatedly called for talks with China but were rejected, as Beijing views President Tsai and the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) as separatists.

President Tsai said only the Taiwanese could determine their future.

Asked about President Tsai's comments, China's Ministry of Defense said: "China will eventually and will definitely reunite".

"The People's Liberation Army (PLA) will take all necessary steps to firmly maintain China's sovereignty and territorial integrity," ministry spokesman Wu Qian said at a monthly press conference in Beijing.

Taiwan is holding a campaign for presidential and parliamentary elections to be held on January 13. Lai Ching-te of the DPP, which currently serves as vice president, is the leading candidate to become Taiwan's next president according to a poll.

President Tsai said it was "no secret" that China was trying to interfere in the Taiwan elections.

"But I think they may not be very successful in efforts to influence the elections here. Especially because this is a democratic country and the public knows that they have made the best decisions regarding who will be Taiwan's next leader," President Tsai explained.