Dismissing the United States' Call, Kim Jong-un's Sister: The Sovereignty of an Independent State Has Never Been an Agenda for Negotiations

JAKARTA - North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's sister on Thursday rejected calls from the United States to return to diplomacy, condemning US criticism of North Korea's recent launch of a spy satellite.

US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said at a Security Council meeting earlier this week that North Korea's satellite launch was a "reckless and unlawful" act that threatened its neighbors.

On the other hand, he reiterated the US offer for dialogue without any preconditions, saying the Pyongyang side "can choose the time and topic."

Relatedly, Kim Yo-jong, Leader Kim's sister who is also a senior North Korean official, rejected the United States' offer, threatening to launch more satellites and other weapons.

"The sovereignty of an independent country can never be on the agenda of negotiations, and therefore, (North Korea) will never come face to face with the US for that purpose," Kim Yo Jong said in a statement carried by state media Thursday, according to Associated Press, November 30.

"(North Korea) will continue to make efforts to develop everything that is within its sovereign rights and continue to implement the sovereign rights enjoyed by all UN member states, in a dignified manner without any restrictions in the future as well," explained Kim Yo-jong.

Various UN Security Council resolutions prohibit North Korea from carrying out any launches using ballistic technology, such as satellite take-offs and missile tests.

However, North Korea argues it has a sovereign right to launch spy satellites, conduct ballistic missile tests to counter what it calls a US-led military threat.

Additionally, Pyongyang views large-scale US-South Korean military exercises as an invasion rehearsal and often reacts with weapons tests of its own.

Kim Yo-jong said Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield should explain why US strategic assets frequently appear in South Korean ports, rather than labeling North Korean satellite launches as illegal.

That refers to the increased temporary deployment of strategic US military assets such as aircraft carriers and nuclear-powered submarines, in line with previous US-South Korean agreements.

It is known that the spy satellite is one of many high-tech weapons systems that Kim Jong-un has promised to introduce openly.

She said North Korea needs multiple spy satellites to better monitor its rivals' movements, enhancing its precision-guided missile strike capabilities against enemy targets.