The Owner Of Kost In Cipinang Melayu Was Shocked, Early In The Morning He Opened The Chamber Door And Saw The Body Of A Woman With Her Neck Bound

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Makassar Police conducted a crime scene (TKP) related to the discovery of a young woman hanging herself in a boarding house on Jalan Nusantara, RT 02/14, Cipinang Melayu, Makasar District, East Jakarta, Thursday, November 30 morning.

"This is again a forensic (body identification process), the police. Again (tKP)," Afif, the boarding house owner told VOI, Thursday, November 30, morning.

Afif further explained that the discovery of the victim's body occurred on Thursday, November 30, morning at around 05.30 WIB. The discovery was initially seen by Afif's neighbor who was holding the baby.

"The discovery was at half past six in the morning, my neighbor was carrying the child in front of him. His (victim) position was boarding above," he said.

Afif explained that the first witness to see the incident was his neighbor. Then his neighbor reported it to him.

"I'm the owner of the boarding house, I'm downstairs. I just woke up at six o'clock, I was called by a neighbor. Then I was surprised, when I opened the door there was a hanging like that (the victim's body), right," he said.

It was later discovered that the victim was named Nia. The victim had only been riding at his brother's boarding house for 1 week.

"The victim said Nia. I just saw him a week, a week only lived here. He was riding with his brother. His brother has been here for 2 months. It seems like a cousin," he said.

Afif said, Nia is a native woman of Kupang. She lives with her family.

"The victim is a native of Kupang. His family is the same, Kupang. His brother is security, he lives here too," he said.

A 20-year-old woman was found dead by hanging herself around her boarding room on Jalan Nusantara, RT 02/14, Cipinang Melayu, Makasar District, East Jakarta, Thursday, November 30 morning. The incident caused a stir between residents and other boarding residents.