How To Process Sweet Wood: Nutrition And Benefits For Health

YOGYAKARTA - Cinnamon is a type of spice that has many health benefits. Cinnamon is often consumed as a cooking ingredient, a mixture of drinks, and cake-making ingredients. There are several ways to process cinnamon that you can try yourself at home.

Cinnamon has been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine. One of the important ingredients contained in cinnamon is cinnamaldehyde. These ingredients can be fragrance and taste, and have benefits for the health of the body.

This spill is quite popular because it offers a good taste for a mixture of food and drinks. So what are the uses of cinnamon and how do you process it?

Cinnamon stores various nutrients that play an important role in the health of the body. In one tablespoon of cinnamon powder, there are a number of the following nutrients:

Kalori: 6

Carbohydrates: 2 grams

Protein: 0 gram

Food fiber: 1 g (4 percent daily necessities)

Number of fats: 0 g

Amount of sugar: 0 g

Cholesterol: 0 milligrams

Sodium: 0 mg

Kalium: 11 mg (0.23 percent daily needs)

Calcium: 26 mg (2.6 percent daily necessities)

Magnesium: 2 mg (0.5 percent daily requirement)

Fosphor: 2 mg (0.2 percent daily requirement)

Vitamin A: 8 international units (0.16 percent daily needs)

Vitamin K: 1 microgram (1.22 percent daily needs)

Cinnamon has long been known to have many uses for body health. Here are a number of cinnamon benefits that you need to know:

A number of studies say that cinnamon can help prevent Alzheimer's disease. The extract found in cinnamon skin, namely CEppt, is preventing Alzheimer's symptoms from developing.

The research was conducted on rat animals that received cinnamon extracts, with results experiencing a decline in Alzheimer's features, such as amyloid plaques and improved thinking skills and expertise. However, further research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of these extracts for the development of therapy for Alzheimer's.

Cinnamon also plays a role in reducing blood sugar levels. Cinnamon is shown to be able to reduce the amount of glucose that enters the bloodstream after consuming food. The compounds in cinnamon can also work on cells by imitating insulin.

A number of studies have shown that there are anti-diabetic effects from cinnamon and can reduce fasting blood sugar levels by 10-29 percent. Effective doses of use are usually around 1-6 grams or 0.5-2 tablespoons of cinnamon per day.

The research on cinnamon content to prevent cancer is carried out in tubes and animals. The study shows that cinnamon extract is able to protect against cancer.

The way cinnamon works to prevent cancer is by reducing the growth of cancer cells and the formation of blood vessels in tumors, causing cell death. However, the benefits of the cinnamon still need to be further confirmed with a study of its impact on humans.

Cinnamon oil is also useful for dealing with several types of fungal infections. A laboratory study in 2016 proved that cinnamon oil is effective against the Candida strain that affects blood flow. Although it is considered to be able to treat this type of infection, further research is still needed to corroborate these findings.

Research in 2015 said scientists had found ways to package antimicrobial compounds from peppermint and cinnamon into small capsules. The use of these compounds can kill bacterial biofilms and actively increase wound healing.

If you want to process cinnamon for consumption, here are some ways you can do:

The most commonly recognized cinnamon processing is powder. Cinnamon powder is easy to find in various supermarkets or markets sold as foodstuffs. You can also add to the Ceylon cinnamon rod yourself which is soft enough to make cinnamon powder.

How to process other cinnamon is in the form of rolls. You also roll up pieces of cinnamon skin to be brewed with a cup of tea, coffee, or hot apple juice.

Sweetwood atsiri oil is quite popular and is used by many people. You can make oil from wood skin, leaves, and cinnamon tree root skin. Sweetwood skin oil contains cinnamaldehyde which gives a distinctive taste. While the leaf oil contains a high concentration eugenol, which is sometimes used as an antiseptic.

You can also make cinnamon extract by soaking cinnamon sticks in ethanol alcohol. By removing the solids, you can use the remaining liquid for tapping.

Those are some ways to process cinnamon that you can practice at home. You can consume cinnamon regularly to overcome the several benefits above.

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