Best! These Are 8 Special Dishes Of Sumatra That You Must Try

YOGYAKARTA There are so many kinds of typical Nusantara foods. Every island has a unique taste. For typical dishes on the island of Sumatra, you can taste hundreds of menus. But the best and must be tasted, here's the list.

Called Nasi Padang because it comes from Pandang which is a combination of rice and side dishes of more than one type. Instead of being considered as a dish, Padang rice is better known as a style of food. You can combine white rice with cassava leaves, rendang, chicken curry, fish ballad, to spicy squid. The most memorable of Padang rice, is the richness of spices that enrich this dish tends to be spicy.

Pempek is made from milling and tapioka traditionally processed. This dish was originally derived from South Sumatra, reported by Tasteatlas, Wednesday, November 29. Pempek is made by women from Palembang who are already gray and bored with fish dishes that are processed by frying or burning. So that innovatively, he annealed fish meat and sprayed it with tapioka flour, then fried it until it got goose and delicious results. Pempek is usually served with cucumber flares along with cuko or sweet and spicy acid sauce.

Each tribe has its own way of processing dishes, including those we know with sugary sugary. In Java, it is also known as the sugary meat menu. However, in Sumatra, it is usually filled with meat, jeroan, seafood, or vegetables. Sugary ingredients are a combination of coconut milk and spice cooked to thick trials. Most likely, the sugary is influenced by Indian culinary.

Rendang is a typical Indonesian meat dish from the Minangkabau community in West Sumatra. This dish is famous for its spicy taste and old cooking process. Rendang is cooked with many spices and old cooking hours to last longer.

Sate Padang is a type of satay originating from Padang, West Sumatra. Traditionally, it is made from pieces of meat or beef that are soaked in spices and then stabbed and roasted. After cooked, given a thick sauce with brownish colors and a thick flavor of spices. There is also a thick sauce as a variety of Padang satay which is bright yellow. For Pariaman satay, suah satay uses a lot of chili so that it is typically red. Usually, satay Padang is served with ketupat.

Named Mie Aceh because it comes from Aceh which has the uniqueness of a spice-rich and spicy dish. In addition to wearing yellow noodles, Aceh noodles, it contains beef, lamb, or seafood. Also add leeks, geprek garlic, spurge, cabbage, and tomatoes. The spices are quite pronounced firmly, including cardamom and jintan. In order to stay fresh and taste, Aceh noodles are served with fried shallots, mixed cucumbers, and crackers.

Tekwan is Indonesian native fish meatball soup. An important ingredient in this dish is tekwan fish meatballs made from shrimp paste, tapioka, flour, and boiled before adding it to the soup. Kaldu is usually made from fish or shrimp, mushrooms, dried flower, bengkuang slices, garlic, and onion leaves.

There are thousands of variations in soto in the archipelago, one of which is Soto Medan. This soto combines chicken or beef with thick sauce using spiced coconuts such as lengkuas, turmeric, ginger, and ketumbat. The meat is cooked and then processed and fried before served on the broth.

Those are the eight typical dishes of Sumatra that are the best and popular. Is there anything you have never tasted? Don't miss and feel all the rich tastes of Nusantara cuisine that vary widely.