Kompolnas Monitors Campaign Security In Prone Areas

JAKARTA - The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) monitored the implementation of the Brata Operation 2023-2024 on the first day of the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) campaign in the West Java region.

Kompolnas member from the National Police Inspector General (Ret.) Pudji Hartanto Iskandar said the West Java region was the first to visit because it was a special concern considering that the population and voters of the 2024 General Election were quite large from all over Indonesia, so they had potential vulnerabilities.

"The first day of the 2024 election campaign is important for Kompolnas to actively monitor the preparation of the Polri regional unit," Pudji said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 28.

In this monitoring, he said, Kompolnas also gave an appeal to all levels of Polri personnel to maintain their neutrality.

"This special appeal for neutrality is our commitment as well as our important message to all ranks of Polri members throughout Indonesia," he said.

During the review, members of Kompolnas RI were accompanied by Irwasda Polda West Java Kombes Pol. Kalingga explained the readiness of the West Java Police in carrying out the Great Operation Brata 2023-2024.

Kalingga explained that the West Java Regional Police had prepared a One Data application that was connected, integrating all applications owned by the West Java Regional Police containing data on the monitoring of the command headquarters (mako) with face recognition (FR) technology that is connected to Dukcapil data.

Then, monitoring the ctv of arterial routes, ctv of tourist attractions, cctv of vital objects, monitoring the distribution of traffic members, distribution of sabhara patrol cars, dashboard of maps of the jurisdiction of the West Java Police along with maps of security and social security vulnerabilities, monitoring the distribution of bhabin and police rw to the village/kelurahan level.

West Java Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Akhmad Wiyagus in a written speech read by Irwasda welcomed the work visit mission of the National Police Team in carrying out supervision of the readiness of Great Ops Brata 2023-2024 in the jurisdiction of the West Java Regional Police.

According to him, this effort aims to achieve good and smooth operating management so that a conducive security and social security situation can be achieved.

After a visit to the West Java Regional Police, the National Police Team continued to the Bandung Polrestabes and Purwakarta Police in the same way, namely entrusting a message of professionalism and neutrality in public services as stated in the Telegram Letter (ST) of the National Police Chief number: 1160, dated May 31, 2023.

Kompolnas juga mendorong personel Polri tidak lelah menjaga situasi harkamtibmas agar Indonesia tetap kondusif pada proses tahapan pemilu 2024 yang sedang berlangsung.

Mohammad Dawam, another member of Kompolnas, said that the task carried out by the National Police was a noble task, the first to uphold legal justice and harkamtibmas, as mandated by the institutional structure under the President as Head of State.

And the second is carrying out public service functions that are beneficial to the wider community as institutional mandates under the President as Head of Government.

"This is very strategic for the creation of a security and security situation for the 2024 election process which is safe, peaceful, qualified and dignified," said Dawam.

The monitoring carried out by Kompolnas continues with a visit to the Bogor Regency and Bogor City Police on Wednesday (29/11).