Sad News, Rock Guitarist Hari Soebardja Dies

JAKARTA - Sad news came from the world of Indonesian music. Musician and songwriter, Hari Soebardja passed away today, Tuesday, November 28.

Meanwhile, the news was confirmed by music observer Stanley Tulung through an upload on his Instagram account.

Stanley uploaded a photo of himself with Soebardja Day which was taken some time ago.

In addition, he also uploaded a screenshot of his conversation with the deceased regarding appearing on a music show.

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun has passed away to the grace of Soebardja Day, please open the door of apology and pray that Husnul Khotimah Aamiin," Stanley Tulung wrote in an upload, Tuesday, November 28.

"The sad news from Kang @bensoeb a few minutes ago... Goodbye Kang Hari my friend... Al fatihah Hari Soebardja," he continued.

For information, Hari Soebardja was known as a rock guitarist in the 1970s who was also the younger brother of Benny Soebardja.

Hari was once in a band with Triawan Munaf, Lizard, who was known as one of Bandung's rock bands at that time.

Then, Hari joined his brother in the legendary band Bandung which was popular in the 1970s, Giant Step.

Apart from joining several bands, Hari Soebardja is also known as a sesion guitarist for several singers in the 1980s. He has also joined the band Lipstick with Deddy Dores, Jelly Tobing and Oraw.