Tomorrow Starts Campaign, Ganjar-Mahfud For Tasks Between West And East

JAKATA - Presidential candidate number three in the 2024 presidential election, Ganjar Pranowo attended the national coordination meeting of the Volunteer Coordination Team for the Winning of the Ganjar-Mahfud (TKRPP) presidential election at JIEXPO Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Monday 27 November.

On that occasion, Ganjar said that starting tomorrow he would start campaigning.

"So today we gather and tomorrow we will start the campaign. Only our strength, the strength of the united people will win the election," said Ganjar.

Ganjar said tomorrow he would start a campaign to the eastern region of Merauke, while Mahfud would start from the west in Aceh. The two will campaign from the end to meet at the midpoint.

"Tonight I will move east from Merauke and Pak Mahfud from Aceh," said Ganjar.

Ganjar also conveyed his message to the volunteers to jointly make visits to the regions. He also said that there should be no posts in quiet areas. He hopes that this opportunity can be used to achieve victory.

"We will optimize all the strengths of volunteers and starting tomorrow morning there will be no more backward words. We will continue to move forward! If it is blocked in front, we will hit it," he said.

He also asked the noble volunteers to supervise the fraudulent practices in their environment.

"I really leave it, we listen to what is happening around. I heard the village head is starting to be investigated. Sorry, I can no longer remain silent. I will dismantle what actually happened," he said.

In addition, volunteers are also asked to continue educating the public to participate in the 2024 General Election. As much as possible, the public can use their voting rights starting February 2024.

"We will maintain the reform agenda to be achieved on goal. We must not twist right and left, and the power of the people will make sure it is straight forward. I ask for the spirit of mutual cooperation, return from here to the house of neighbors, brothers, make sure they are registered and vote," added Ganjar.

Meanwhile, the TKRPP national coordination meeting was attended by the general chairman of the supporting party including PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri, Acting Chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) M Mardiono, and Chairman of Perindo Hary Tanoesoedibjo.