Kadispora Gorontalo Utara Suspect Of Money Borrowing Mode Fraud For PMI Detained By Prosecutor

GORONTALO - North Gorontalo District Attorney (Kejari) North Gorontalo detained the head of the Youth and Sports Service (Kadispora) with the initials YE.

Head of Intelligence Section of the North Gorontalo Kejari, Eddie Soedradjat, said the case was transferred (phase II) from Gorontalo Police investigators to the Public Prosecutor.

Suspect YE is in the examination room of the Kejari office hall building in Kwandang District since 14.00 WITA, Monday, November 27.

Eddie said investigators from the Regional Police delegated suspect YE and evidence in cases of fraud and embezzlement.

The case file for suspect YE has been declared complete. The investigating prosecutor of the Gorontalo High Prosecutor's Office has stated that the second phase of the handover was carried out at the North Gorontalo District Attorney's Office considering that the witnesses in the case file are domiciled in North Gorontalo Regency.

Including the suspect YE, he is still active as Head of the Youth and Sports Office in the district government.

In addition to the submission of phase II of the public prosecutor team to detain the suspect YE for 20 days starting from November 27, 2023 to December 16, 2023 with an Order for Detention of the Head of the North Gorontalo District Attorney Number: 1194 dated 27 November 2023.

The detention was carried out by the public prosecutor as an effort to prevent the suspect from running away, damaging or eliminating evidence and or repeating a criminal act and immediately accelerating the process of resolving the case.

Head of General Crimes Andi Nirwansyah as the public prosecutor's team said the suspect YE had committed a fraud by borrowing Rp271 million from the complainant/victim for the purposes of dealing with the activities of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI).

YE entered into an agreement with the lender to be returned after the funds from PMI were disbursed on May 19, 2019.

Namun hingga saat ini tersangka YE belum mengembalikan uang yang dipinjam dan selalu menjanjikan kepada pelapor dengan janji-janji yang belum ada realisasi penyelesaiannya.

The reporter then objected and reported the suspect YE's actions to the Gorontalo Police.

YE's actions were suspected of violating Article 372 of the Criminal Code and Article 378 of the Criminal Code with a maximum threat of four years in prison.