Facing The 2024 Election, Polairud Deploys Tactical Ships To Anticipate Conflict
The Directorate of Water and Air Police (Ditpolairud) of the North Maluku Police (Malut) has prepared a number of ships to support the security of the 2024 General Election.
Director of Polairud Polda North Maluku, Kombes Pol. Mugi Sekar Jaya said that a number of main ships along with troops were ready to be deployed in the Great Brata operation in the event of a conflict.
"We are still waiting for coordination with the Regional Police for the placement of our ships. So if for example there is an incident (of chaos) where we live using our ship, we will slide it if there is a riot. For troop mobilization," said Mugi Tuesday, November 21, confiscated by Antara.
The third officer said the fleet of ships that would later be used was a large ship that could be used to make many personnel.
"So what we are using is the Gamalama ship, the troop carrier ship and the tactical ship, such as to support the election," he said.
Mugi stated that the deployment of troops and a number of ships was carried out ahead of the voting and after the voting. So far, continued Mugi, Polairud Polda Malut has made a number of preparations.
"The implementation is ahead of the voting and after the results of the voting, the most important thing is," he said.
He also hopes that the 2024 General Election will be safe and run smoothly and peacefully.
Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the North Maluku Provincial KPU, Puja Sutamat, appreciated the support of the North Maluku Regional Police by preparing a number of ships to support efforts to secure the 2024 General Election through the Great Brata operation.
This is in response to the entry of North Maluku Province as an area with the top three electoral-prone categories.
"Indicators whether the DPT, the organizers, are geographically located so that their reach is categorized as vulnerabilities or there are other factors so that they are called very high," he said.
He stated that North Maluku was in third place in the 2024 election-prone area, after DKI Jakarta and North Sulawesi, which had been questioned by various elements in North Maluku,
In addition, said Pudja, with the improvement in the implementation of elections in North Maluku from year to year and including the success of the implementation of the 2019 General Election and several regional elections, North Maluku should not be ranked in the top three vulnerable areas.
Pudja said, as an election organizer, he remained positive by working professionally and with quality so that during the implementation he was more careful.