Immoral Chronology Of Father Against 2 Daughters In Rokan Hilir, Having Sex Since SDv

Rohan Hilir - Police have detained the suspect who is the biological father of two immoral victims at the Bagan Sinembah Police, Rokan Hilir Regency (Rohil), Riau. His father's lecherous behavior was discovered since he was in elementary and junior high school. Bagan Sinembah Police Chief, Rokan Hilir Police Commissioner Imron Teheri, explained from the suspect's confession to the police, he had intercourse with his two daughters more than 10 times. The perpetrator with the initials EP (43 years) has molested his two daughters namely AV (22 years) and AF (19) since both were still in junior high school and elementary school. The depraved act was carried out from November 2015 to April 2022. "The victim AV was molested from the time the victim was in grade 4 elementary school to high school victims. Then the victim AF was molested from grade 2 junior high school until the victim was about to get married," said Imron, Tuesday 21 November. Sadly, one time the perpetrator also had two intercourses together and alternated in the same time and place. "The perpetrator also suspected that his daughter AV had been molested by her father. The suspicion turned out to be true, from AV's confession, she was molested by her father since she was in elementary school and continued until 2022. "Not happy with her husband's mother-in-law, the victim's mother had been molested since she was in junior high school. Hearing that information, the victim's mother immediately asked AF about the correctness of the report. Feeling that she was not happy with her son's confession, the victim's mother reported it to her husband. Then, the police caught the perpetrator on Friday, November 17, 2022 by the Sinembah Police Criminal Investigation Unit. He explained, this mode of depraved father raped her two biological daughters while she was not in elementary school and continued until 2022. "It was not happy with her husband's modus operandi, when his wife was not at home, it was his wife was his chance to report to the victim's uncle Sinembah for further legal proceedings," said Andrian.
EP is currently being held at the Bagan Sinembah Police and charged with multiple articles, namely Article 81 paragraph (3) of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection with a maximum penalty of 15 years. "In this case, we in conjunction with Article 64 of the Criminal Code. There is an additional one-third of the threat of punishment if the perpetrator is his own parents," he concluded.