Violations That Resilient TikTok Accounts: Worse, This Rarely Pays Attention To Most People

YOGYAKARTA - In recent years, TikTok has succeeded in becoming a giant application with many users in it. Even in Indonesia TikTok is popular and not even a few have made TikTok a livelihood. However, there is something to know for novice and senior TikTok users, namely related to violations that have suspended TikTok accounts.

Talking about this suspended account is really annoying. For the followers and the viewers, it's a little bit less likely to just make it again. But for those who have a lot of followers and FYP videos, of course, this is a big problem.

As TikTok users, of course, you have to know what kind of violations make TikTok accounts suspended. For that time we will discuss all of them, what do you think? Check out the reviews here.

Similar to other social media such as Facebook, Instagram and also X, of course TikTok also has a series of rules that users must obey. And this is very fatal if you as content creators don't know about it.

If the user violates these provisions, then TikTok will not hesitate to impose sanctions in the form of accounts suspended or even permanently blocked. Of course you definitely don't want to, right? That means you need to recognize several reasons why TikTok accounts are suspended, here are some reasons:

1. Not old enough

You must know, if the TikTok application has set a age limit for users, which is at least 18 years old. So if you are still under 18 years old, then you have automatically violated the age provisions. And have to be sincere with the account.

This has actually happened frequently, you know. Users who register ignore this matter and always continue. But gradually TikTok will find out and immediately suspend the account.

So, if you are not 18 years old, the alternative is... input information on the age of over 18 when you first register an account.

2. Melakukan Aksi Spam

Most often what you should know as the reason for the suspension of accounts is the action of spamming, such as buying or selling views (views), spam likes, comments, shares, followers, and other types of spam.

Spamming is indeed an action that is actually light, so TikTok will only temporarily suspend your account.

But you must also be on guard. The reason is that if you repeat it again in the near future, there is a possibility that your account will be permanently blocked.

3. Harassment in Content

If you create a content containing harassment or intimidation for other parties, then you will receive a direct warning on the uploaded account and video.

Because basically, the harassment video can trigger negative impacts from viewers who have seen it. So that TikTok will also delete the video alias take down.

4. Provocation or Crime

When your TikTok account is suspended, it may be because there is content that is indicated to be criminal or provocative. If you just let it go, it will take a long time to invite the formation of crime on social media.

This has been written in the TikTok community's guide policy which will protect all users from criminal acts or violence. So that you can feel more comfortable and safe.

5. Posting Content Involved in Drugs

Actually, this is not only on TikTok, other social media will of course suspend accounts that provide content with indications of illegal drugs such as drugs. Of course, the platform does not hesitate to block it.

But this matter will not apply to content containing education about the dangers of drug use, just don't include information on brands of illegal drugs and drugs, that's what must be avoided.

6. Include Sensitive Hashtag

In making hashtags, you should also not be careless. The reason is that hashtags or hashtags (#) can trigger the formation of commotion or intimidation in a certain party or circle. This is also prohibited by TikTok. The goal, of course, is not to trigger a big commotion.

So make sure you use hashtags that don't offend or hurt other people. Don't use hashtags that smell of sex/pornography because they are prone to suspension too. What about annoying? Yes, do you know the consequences?

5. There is an Indication of Hacking

When someone tries to enter into a multiplication account and until an error occurs repeatedly when entering a password, it can automatically make TikTok suspend the multiplication account.

It's the same when trying to enter an ATM pin. If wrong several times, the ATM will be blocked immediately. Well, you have to be careful, do two factor authentication so that your account is more protected.

8. Committing Fraud

When there are symptoms of fraud or violation. Such reports will generally be reviewed, after that they will be received and will be followed up by the developer of the TikTok application.

If the account that has been reported is proven to have committed fraud, then the account will be immediately suspended or it could be permanently blocked by TikTok.

So after knowing the violations that made the TikTok account suspended, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!