Wow! The Realization Of The New National EBT Mix Reaches 12 Percent

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) reported that the achievement of the national renewable energy mix in the first semester of 2023 only reached 12.5 percent. This number is still far from the target set at 17.9 percent in 2023.

Director General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Yudo Dwinand Priaadi, said the achievement of the national renewable energy mix in 2022 reached 12.3 percent or there was still a gap from the target of 15 percent.

"Our mix is not yet big, it is still far from the target but we have a strategy that we will implement to achieve the target mix in 2025," Yudo said in his presentation at the Hearing Meeting with Commission VII DPR RI quoted Thursday, November 16.

In his presentation, Yudo explained several strategies to increase the EBT mix in order to achieve the 2025 target, among others, the addition of EBT generating capacity according to the RUPTL targeted by ensuring that the Commercial Operation Date (COD) is on time by encouraging the acceleration of the d procurement process to encourage the use of PUPR dams for both hydropower and for floating PLTS.

The second strategy is to implement the PLTS roof program which is targeted to be built at 3.37 GW by 2025.

The third strategy is to carry out mandatory programs B35 and B40 which are targeted at 13.9 million kiloliters (KL) by 2025.

"B35 and B40 have now completed the test and are now preparing for the test for non-automotive," added Yudo.

The fifth is the mandatory energy management program in accordance with PP no, 33 of 2023 concerning Energy Conservation and Expansion of SKEM in electricity utilization equipment.

Furthermore, the use of EBT off the grid and the provision of modern energy access through EBT at disadvantaged, frontier, outermost (3T) locations.

"Eight geothermal explorations by the government and finally the direct use of EBT for non-electric activities such as geothermal," concluded Yudo.