Don't Forget Mitigation And Anticipate Disasters In The Rainy Season

JAKARTA - Commission V of the DPR reminded the Government to prioritize infrastructure maintenance considering that Indonesia is currently entering the rainy season. In addition, the Government is also asked to prepare mitigation and anticipation of natural disasters for the safety of the community.

"Infrastructure maintenance in the rainy season is a must. Especially after the prolonged dry season so that extreme weather changes do not have an impact on infrastructure that is widely used by the community," said Deputy Chairman of Commission V DPR RI, Andi Iwan Darmawan Aras, Wednesday, November 15.

As for infrastructure maintenance, it can include lighting, damaged road repairs, public transportation facilities, and all matters related to public facilities. Iwan Aras gave an example, some time ago there was damage to facilities at Commuterline Cawang Station and Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train station in Halim.

"Don't let the lack of preparation for the rainy season, the people who are victims. So disaster prevention efforts must be carried out through optimal and careful maintenance," he said.

Furthermore, Iwan Aras reminded all Regional Governments (Pemda) to pay more attention to the safety of the community on the road during the rainy season. Local governments are asked to continue to carry out periodic maintenance in order to prevent trees from falling due to rain and strong winds.

"It is necessary to maintain trees regularly to identify trees that are vulnerable or sick. This is the first step in preventing disasters that will have an impact on society," said Iwan.

The incident of fallen trees on the streets is known to have occurred in several areas. As happened in the parking lot of Permata Depok Hospital, Sawangan Baru Village, Sawangan District, Depok City, West Java on Sunday (12/11) afternoon.

Rain with high intensity accompanied by strong winds caused a large tree to almost hit a resident's house. However, the trunk of the tree hit the roof of the parking lot, causing several parked motorbikes to be damaged.

Commission V of the DPR in charge of public work, transportation, and weather affairs asked for the seriousness of the local government in terms of disaster mitigation. Iwan said the lack of disaster mitigation could affect many things.

The disaster of fallen trees is very threatening for the safety and awareness of people on roads and those living around them. Also pay attention to the installation of billboards and billboards which can also potentially collapse when it rains with strong winds," he explained.

Not only that, trees that fall and collapse billboards can also potentially damage roads, sidewalks, waterways, or other public infrastructure. For this reason, maintenance and supervision must be a priority.

"If it doesn't get serious attention, there will be greater risks that have the potential to threaten the safety of our society," explained Iwan Aras.

The legislator from the South Sulawesi II electoral district also asked the central government and local governments to work together to deal with the threat of floods and landslides due to the rainy season. Iwan said that the government's readiness was the key in reducing the risk of potential disasters.

"Natural disasters are indeed difficult to predict, but the impact can be prevented by good mitigation. Of course, the participation of relevant stakeholders is needed to minimize the impact of natural disasters," he said.

"Masifize socialization and education to the community, especially those living in disaster-prone areas to always be vigilant and understand what to do when there are signs of a disaster coming," continued Iwan Aras.

According to him, currently local governments whose areas are in the disaster-prone category must have prepared a disaster preparedness strategy. Iwan Aras said cooperation between the Regional Government, Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Basarnas, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos), TNI/Polri, volunteers and other stakeholders must run effectively.

"So that when a natural disaster occurs, all can work harmoniously to help people in need," he explained.

Especially for BMKG, Iwan reminded to continue to provide information related to the weather in an up-to-date manner. Meanwhile, for the community, he appealed to always be aware of potential disasters.

"The precautionary attitude will save us and our families from the disaster. Always monitor information from the BMKG, and prepare for all risks. Anticipating being part of disaster mitigation that can be done by the community," concluded Iwan.