IKN Authority Receives 300 Initial Commitment To Investment, Most Interested Housing Sector

The Capital Archipelago Authority (OIKN) said it had received more than 300 Letter of Intent (LoI) or an initial commitment to investing in IKN Nusantara.

As for the 300 LoIs, most investors are interested in the housing sector.

"LoI is more than 300. The majority in the housing sector have a lot of interest," said OIKN Secretary Jaka Santos Adiwijaya when met after the Hunindotech 4.0 event at The Westin Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 14.

Jaka said the second sector in demand by investors was commercial with a total of 71 LoI.

"Then there is the education and transportation sector," he said.

For the education sector itself, OIKN noted that it had received around 63 LoIs.

Meanwhile, the transportation sector and health facilities are the fourth and fifth sectors that investors at IKN Nusantara are most interested in.

According to Jaka, LoI in the transportation sector will be related to mass vehicles that are smart and environmentally friendly, such as electric buses.

Because, he said, only green or renewable energy-based vehicles (EBT) are allowed to enter the IKN area.

"Right, (vehicles are allowed to enter IKN) not gasline again. So, we have to prepare the transportation for people to enter and leave, it already uses electric vehicles," he said.

The government opens up opportunities for investment in IKN Nusantara, especially in the housing and property sectors.

The need for houses in IKN is very large due to the transfer of government centers followed by State Civil Apparatus (ASN) as well as Hankam officers and the general public.