Prabowo: We Don't Join Any Military Alliance

JAKARTA - Presidential candidate and Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto, stated that he would not join any military alliance that contradicts Indonesian traditions.He made this statement during a speech at a discussion with the theme 'Arah and Political Strategy Abroad' at CSIS, Pakarti Center Building, Jakarta."We will not join any block. We will not be part of any military alliance that goes against our traditions," Prabowo said, Monday, November 13.The tradition in question is to prioritize the interests of the community by increasing the economic sector. It also aims to eradicate poverty."This is our policy. This is our tradition. This is our belief," he said.The process of improving the country's economy must be supported by peace and stability between countries.Exemplified, with peace and good relations with all countries, world investors will enter Indonesia. So that new jobs emerged for the community.
However, despite this, Prabowo emphasized that he still respects the entire country with its own decisions regarding the military alliance."In my opinion, it is against our national interests. We respect all," said Prabowo.