Yogyakarta Police Unload Production Warehouse For Dozens Of Illegal Types Of Drugs
YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta City Police Criminal Investigation Unit dismantled warehouses where they produced dozens of illegal drugs of various brands in the Bebah area, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region.
Kasatreskrim Yogyakarta Police AKP MP Probo Satrio explained that the disclosure of the warehouse began with the investigation of a syndicate of illegal drug manufacturers and dealers in the local area.
"The operational team (Yogyakarta Police) came to the warehouse and managed to find evidence in the form of drugs in packaging, goods ready to be sent, raw materials, production equipment, and other goods related to production," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 8.
Regarding the existence of the illegal drug production warehouse, the Yogyakarta Police have named three suspects, namely MRA (27), a resident of Demak, Central Java, BAD (25) a resident of Cilacap, Central Java, and LC (43) a resident of Demak, Central Java.
Disclosure began with public information regarding the production and circulation of pharmaceutical preparations in the Yogyakarta area that did not meet the standards and security requirements.
After further investigation, on Monday (6/11) at around 17.50 WIB the police arrested a person named Adam Maulana in front of Giwangan Terminal, Jalan Imogiri Timur, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta City.
"He is an employee delivering goods carrying various medicines that have been packaged to be sent to expedition services," he said.
Departing from Adam's statement, at 18.30 WIB the police visited a rented house in the Potorono area, Banguntapan, Bantul which functions as an illegal drug marketing office of various brands.
While online marketing activities were ongoing, at the office the police secured MRA, BAD, and LC along with four employees and a number of evidence of illegal drugs ready to sell.
In this illegal business, MRA plays a role in producing and selling illegal drugs through online marketplaces, BAD as an online sales operator, and LC also plays an online selling role.
Based on the results of the investigation, MRA produces all illegal drugs in warehouses located in Berbah, Sleman Regency.
The police then raided the warehouse and secured 8 employees who were currently producing.
A number of evidences were also secured including 2,969 drugs in various brands containing a total of 89,070 capsules, 2 sacks of Chinese teak leaf powder, 6 boxes of empty bottles, 4 boxes of containers containing 201,000 empty capsules, and 34 mobile phones used for marketing.
Probo said as many as 23 different drug brands were made by this syndicate, ranging from diabetes drugs with the brand "Centella", Cheterol (heart medicine), Orthomove (bone medicine), Nikita Slim (pelangsing), to Vigamax (strong male medicine). ).
However, the various capsule-shaped drugs all contain only Chinese teak leaf powders.
"All of its contents are Chinese teak leaves. The medicine for the loping contains Chinese teak leaves for the heart as well as Chinese teak leaves. They don't add any other ingredients. They only distinguish the color of the capsule," he said.
The police are still investigating the source of the supplier of the Chinese teak leaf powder.
Probo ensured that the three suspects did not have a pharmacist background, it's just that MRA had been an employee in a similar drug business that had been revealed in Semarang, Central Java.
Although it has only been operating for three months, he said, the illegal drug-making syndicate is able to earn IDR 2 million to IDR 3 million per day with most consumers coming from outside Java who transact online.
Probo said that no consumer has reported or complained about the illegal drug containing the Chinese teak leaf powder.
"The contents (capsul) are only a few milligrams, maybe not so (effective) yes, or those who buy tofu and don't buy them anymore," he said.
For their actions, MRA, BAD, and LC were charged with Article 435 Juncto Article 138 paragraph (2) of Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health or Article 62 paragraph (1) UURI Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, with a maximum threat of 12 years in prison.
Reporter : Luqman Hakim
Editor : Budi Suyanto