Hamka Witness's Wife Is The Key To The Case Of The Discovery Of A Rotting Body In Koja, The Police Hospital Is Careful In Doing Medical Handling
JAKARTA The National Police Hospital continues to try to restore the condition of NP, Hamka's wife (50) and the mother of A (2) whose body was found rotting in Koja, North Jakarta, last week. When Hamka's house was broken into by residents and members of the TNI and police, NP was found still conscious even though it was helpless.
"The medical team first improves the physical condition of NP before the psychiatrist heals his psychological condition," said Head of the Kramat Jati Police Hospital Brigadier General Pol Hariyanto, Antara, Monday, November 6. According to him, NP did not get food intake so that he experienced a decrease in hemoglobin or red blood cells at the time of the discovery of the bodies of his husband and son. The examination of the NP requires caution because the NP is a key witness who can reveal the deaths of the husband and child. He said, if the physical NP is better, then it will be followed by a psychological examination. "So the physical one this week was first repaired, if the condition is good it's just a psychiatric one. The doctor has a SOP whose goal is for the NP to be able to open what he sees. It's important not to get physically ill and then the psychological has not been examined and so the stage is physical first," he said.
The National Police Hospital will also propose to North Jakarta Metro Police investigators to examine the NP, to investigate the deaths of their husband and child, together with the psychiatrist who examined the 40-year-old woman. The examination was carried out simultaneously so that the mental condition of the NP would not be disturbed again. "Maybe later we will propose to investigators how, for example, together with these psychiatric doctors and them, we facilitate them here," said Hariyanto. North Jakarta Metro Police involved a team of experts from the Forensic Psychology Association (Apsifor) of the University of Indonesia in carrying out the crime scene (TKP) which was the third time to help investigate the death of father and son at Koja. North Jakarta Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKBP Iverson Manossoh told reporters on Jalan Balai Rakyat V, North Jakarta, Tuesday, November 1 that the UI team of experts collaborated with a joint team of forensic hythetologists and forensic toxicologists.
In addition, the identification team and a joint team from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the North Jakarta Police and the Koja Sector Police. The cause of the death of the father and son whose bodies were found at his residence, Jalan Balai Rakyat V Tugu Selatan, Koja, North Jakarta, was revealed through various scientific methods by investigators because the alleged cause of death is still unknown.