Makassar Prosecutor's Office Names 4 Land Corruption Suspects

The Makassar District Attorney's Special Criminal Investigation Team has named four suspects in the alleged corruption case of irregularities in land acquisition for the Makassar City Government's waste management industry for the 2012-2014 fiscal year, located in Tamalanrea Jaya Village, Tamalanrea District, Makassar City, South Sulawesi.

"Determination of the status of the suspects to these four people after investigators found two valid pieces of evidence," said Makassar District Attorney Andi Sundari as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, November 3.

The four suspects each had the initials SB as the Head of the Makassar City Government Administration at that time, AP as the Tamalanrea sub-district head at that time, and IL as the village head of Tamalanrea Jaya and ASD as the recipient of power from several land owners.

Furthermore, for the purposes of the investigation, the suspects will be detained for the next 20 days who are placed in the Makassar Class I Correctional Institution (Lapas).

From the description of the irregularities in 2012, where the Makassar City Government through the Makassar City Secretariat, Part of Administration, has a budget sourced from the APBD for land acquisition for public facilities where waste is final disposal of IDR 3.5 billion.

The land acquisition will later be used for the construction of the waste processing industry in Tamalanrea Jaya Village.

Furthermore, the Mayor of Makassar at that time Ilham Arief Sirajuddin (witness) then issued the Decree of the Mayor of Makassar Number: 590.05/452/Kep.III/2012, dated March 8, 2012 concerning the Establishment of the Land Procurement Committee for the Implementation of Development for Public Interest in Makassar City for the 2012, 2013 and 2014 Fiscal Years.

However, in the process of land acquisition by the Makassar City Government in 2012, 2013 and 2014, the suspects carried out without planning documents and without a location determination.

In addition, land acquisition is carried out without any research and inventory of land first and without research on the legal status of land whose rights will be released or submitted.

"Including without documents supporting it and not or without an institution or a land assessment team (appreciative). The state losses are still being calculated by BPKP," said Andi Sundari.

For this action, the suspect was charged with Primair Article 2 paragraph (1) and Subsidies Article 3 of Law No. 31 of 1999 as amended and supplemented by Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption, in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.