2 Junior High School Students In Kendari Arrested By Police For Stealing Motorcycles

Kendari Police, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) arrested two junior high school (SMP) students for stealing a motorbike on Jalan Laure IV, Mandonga Village, Mandonga District.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kendari Police, AKP Fitrayadi, said the two junior high school students had the initials D (13) and R (13), who are residents of Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi, who were arrested on Friday (3/11) at around 19.00 WITA.

"Two suspects with the initials D and R," said Fitrayadi, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, November 3.

Both were arrested for committing a criminal act of theft of a motorcycle belonging to the Office of Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) of Southeast Sulawesi Province with police number DT 2581 E on Jalan Kecamatan Mandonga, Kendari City, on Friday (20/10).

"Both of them were arrested based on sufficient preliminary evidence that they had committed a criminal act of motorcycle theft," he said.

In carrying out the action, the two perpetrators carried out various tasks, in which D executed the motorcycle, while R acted to see the situation around the crime scene (TKP).

"D immediately took the motorbike by hitting the padlock on the disk disk using a stone," explained Fitrayadi.

Based on the results of the investigation, continued Fitrayadi, one of the suspects, namely D, has committed the crime of theft twice in the jurisdiction of the Kendari Police.

"D has committed theft twice," he said.

To account for his actions, said Fitrayadi, the two perpetrators will be charged with Article 363 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

"With the threat of imprisonment for seven years," said Fitrayadi.