Khofifah Please Soetomo Hospital Reduce The Number Of Patients Abroad
East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa hopes that Dr. Soetomo Surabaya Hospital can reduce the number of patients from Indonesia who seek treatment abroad as General Academic Teaching Hospital status is obtained from Joint Commission International.
Khofifah when inaugurating the flagship service at Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya, Friday evening said that the acquisition of this status was an award and an extraordinary recognition because there were only 66 hospitals in the world that were categorized.
"Next is how we reduce patients seeking treatment abroad. At some stage, we will actually be a reference on how international standard hospital services reduce the potential for patients to seek treatment abroad," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, November 3.
"On the contrary, it is very possible that patients who were originally served at foreign hospitals will go to Dr. Soetomo Hospital," he added.
In Indonesia, said Khofifah, Dr. Soetomo Hospital is the only hospital that has received General Academic Teaching Hospital status.
"Of course we hope this will be a role model, that there is a very internationally tested competence that Soetomo has. Previously, it was slow profile, now it has to be that there are very many excellent services that have been prepared and are already operating in Soetomo," he said.
As for the flagship service which was inaugurated in conjunction with the 85th Anniversary of the hospital owned by the East Java Provincial Government, it is also expected to be an important part and a milestone in history.
"This is important. We must be confident, patients must also be confident, this nation must be confident that there are referrals to hospital services that have been recognized by Joint Commission International, this is not simple," he said.
Meanwhile, the President Director of Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya, Prof. Dr. Joni Wahyuhadi said the existence of this superior service was the wish of Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa since 2019 to reduce the number of patients from East Java who were treated abroad.
Soetomo Hospital made the building that was used for transplant with Graha Amerta into the Indraprasta Pavilion with assistance tools from the East Java Provincial Government, functional funds for hospitals and the Ministry of Health.
"I can say what can be done in Singapore, we can do it. Because our doctors are extraordinary. For neurosurgeon, what we can do in Germany, what we can do in Japan," he said.
In addition, Soetomo has complete tools for bone surgery, stomach surgery for invasive surgery, surgery with minor injuries, bile surgery, tumor surgery in the intestines.
"Everything with a small incision using endoscopy in Soetomo can be done. So here, we invite people who usually go abroad to enjoy Soetomo. In Singapore, the cost is Rp. 100 million here below, because this is Soetomo's job," said Joni.