PLTU Mouth Tambang Sumsel 8 Starts Commercial Operation

JAKARTA - The Steam Power Plant (PLTU) of the Mouth of the South Sumatra-8 Mining (2x660 MW) has reached the Commercial Operation Date (COD) status or has started commercial operations. The COD date is set on October 7, 2023 by PLN.

PLTU MT Sumsel-8 which is part of the 35,000 MW Power Plant Development Program is located in Tanjung Lalang Village, Tanjung Agung District, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra Province.

Also known as the Tanjung Lalang PLTU, this generator was built by PT Huadian Bukit Asam Power (HBAP) which is a strategic collaboration between PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) and China Huadian Hongkong Company Ltd (CHDHK).

The Director General of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Jisman Hutajulu said electricity in Sumatra would be more reliable with the existence of PLTU MT Sumsel-8.

"The need for electricity in Sumatra continues to increase. Thus, the PLTU MT Sumsel-8 has an important role to play in meeting these needs", said Jisman, Thursday, November 2.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) Arsal Ismail expressed his hope that the Tanjung Lalang PLTU can bring benefits to national energy security and community welfare.

"We hope that the Tanjung Lalang PLTU can assist PLN in meeting electricity needs in the Sumatra region, as well as creating a multiplier effect for economic growth so that it can contribute to development," said Arsal.

He explained that PLTU Tanjung Lalang uses efficient and environmentally friendly super critical technology and also applies Flue Gas Susulfurization (FGD) technology to reduce exhaust emissions.

"This FGD technology can reduce sulfur dioxide from emission from exhausting coal-fired power plants," continued Arsal.

Just so you know, PLTU MT Sumsel-8 supplies electricity to PLN for the public interest in the Sumatra Electricity System and requires coal up to 5.4 million tons per year. The investment value of the PLTU MT Sumsel-8 project reaches 1.68 billion US dollars.