BNN Bogor Reveals Cannabis Circulation Network Via Expedition Package
BOGOR - Bogor Regency National Narcotics Agency revealed a network of narcotics trafficking of the Dried Cannabis type through an expedition package. Under the guise of ordering clothing products, three suspects received packages containing marijuana sent from Sumatra via an expedition package from JNE. Now all three have been secured at the Bogor BNNK Office. The Section for the Eradication of BNNK Bogor, Bripka Bayu Permana said, this disclosure began with information from the West Java Province BNN Eradication Division regarding the shipment of 3 packages from Sumatra to Bogor Regency, which allegedly contained dried marijuana-type narcotics. "Three packages containing marijuana were sent to three different locations, two in the Bojonggede District area, and one in Jonggol District," said Bayu, Tuesday 31 October. The officers immediately carried out Controlled Delivery of packages received by the suspects on behalf of YD alias YT, SL and FR. From the results of the examination, officers found packages of marijuana from YT weighing 539 grams, SL weighing 938.57 grams, and FR weighing 539.35 grams.. The total weight of the three perpetrators was weighing 2,017.17 grams of dried marijuana, said Bayu. The three suspects were subject to Article 114 (1) in conjunction with Article 11 Paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of imprisonment for life imprisonment or a minimum of 5 years and a maximum fine of Rp. 1 billion. 10 billion.
Di tempat yang sama, Kepala BNNK Bogor AKBP Renny Puspita menuturkan, sepanjang tahun 2023 pihaknya mengungkap sebanyak 6 (six) kasus, dengan 13 berkas perkara dan 13 tersangka.Yang sudah dilimpahkan ke JPU sebanyak empat kasus dengan sembilan tersangka, jelasnya.Curang ini, kata dia, masih ada 2 kasus dalam proses penyidikan dengan 4 tersangka. Selama tahun 2023, BNNK Bogor melakukan penyerahan barang sejumlah 1,168 gram narkotikat jenis ganja kering," tandasnya.