Brawl In Bandar Lampung Killed Victims, Students Died As A Result Of Being Hacked In The Head

BANDAR LAMPUNG - A student from Gilang Rizki (GR) died after being involved in a brawl on Jalan Soekarno Hatta, Way Dadi, Sukarame District, Bandar Lampung City. Even though they had been rushed to the hospital, the victim's life could not be saved. The victim died with four wounds from sharp weapons on his body and head.
This brawl between vocational high school (SMK) students claimed the life of a 17-year-old student on Jalan Soekarno Hatta, Way Dadi, Sukarame District, Bandar Lampung, on Monday evening.
After the brawl between students that claimed lives, the police from the Sukarame Police and the Bandar Lampung Police Inafis team conducted a crime scene (TKP) at the scene.
From the results of the crime scene at the scene, the police found bloodstains from victims, stones, wood, and waist ropes that were allegedly used in the brawl.
In addition to conducting crime scene investigations, the police examined several students of the victim's friends for questioning as witnesses. Currently, the police are still conducting an investigation to arrest the perpetrator who carried out the persecution that caused the victim's death.
Sukarame Police Chief, Kompol Warsito, confirmed the incident. Kompol Warsito said his party had conducted an investigation and processed the crime scene at the scene.
"We are hunting for the perpetrators, and we are currently gathering additional information," said Kompol Warsito in his statement, Tuesday, October 31.
Warsito explained that two students had provided information at the scene. From the statements of the two perpetrators, his party has found clues that may help in the investigation.
"We are still examining several witnesses and are continuing to investigate this incident. We are still investigating this brawl," he said.
Warsito also added that during the investigation, his party had confiscated several pieces of evidence, including a cell phone and bloodstains at the scene.
"The victim is currently at Imanuel Hospital, we ask for patience for further information," he added.
The post-mortem at Imanuel Bandar Lampung Hospital on Monday night and after the victim's body had been handed over to the family to be taken to the funeral home.
The victim, who is known to have come from Sabah Balau Village, Tanjung Bintang District, South Lampung, died from several injuries caused by a sharp weapon on his body and head.
Bayu Angga (35 years old), a resident around the scene, witnessed about 20 students involved in a brawl in front of the school. The students carried sharp weapons that had been modified. "There are more than 20 students who carry sharp weapons," said Bayu Angga.
Bayu Angga explained that due to the brawl between students, one student died as a result of a sharp weapon on his back. The victim immediately lay covered in blood.
"There were three knives on his back, they seemed to be using a small badik, and then they ran away," said Bayu Angga.
According to Bayu Angga, the brawl between students ended after he separated them. "The victim was stabbed in the back, then taken to Imanuel Hospital," said Bayu Angga.