The Reason Amanda Manopo Likes To Buy A Lot Of Goods And Is Similar
JAKARTA - Actress Amanda Manopo is present to be a guest star on the podcast of one of her friends, Chika Waode and Lia Waode on YouTube WaOde Sisters. In the chat, Amanda revealed several things that could make her 'nafsu'.
One of the things this Indigo film player really likes is buying a lot of goods, especially food. Amanda explained that when she ate something, other people also had to eat the food she ate.
"I have a passion for goods, not goods, food, so if for example I want to eat this, everyone has to eat what I eat. Or I can't buy one, I buy it directly," said Amanda Manopo, quoted by VOI from the WaOde Sisters YouTube channel, Monday, October 30.
It is undeniable that Billy Syahputra's ex-lover does have a hobby in shopping. Even because of her hobby, Amanda is prohibited from shopping for monthly necessities.
"I really like snacks. At first, yes (my own monthly shopping), but now it's not allowed," said Amanda.
In addition to often buying large quantities, Amanda admits that she is the type of person who has to buy goods that have a uniform or similar shape or color.
"I don't know, if I'm the type of person, I have to be the same, if I don't, I don't want to. If this is black, this is white, I don't want it. I want it all black," continued Amanda.