Today, 9 Constitutional Justices Examined For Ethical Violations
JAKARTA - The Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) scheduled a meeting with the Constitutional Court judges on Monday, October 30. The nine judges of the Constitutional Court are expected to attend the activity.
"The meeting between the MKMK and all judges (MK)," said MK Spokesperson Fajar Laksono to reporters, Monday, October 30.
Fajar confirmed that today's meeting had not yet been included in the agenda of the examination trial. This meeting is intended to discuss the timing of the examination of the Constitutional Court judges. So that the Constitutional Court gets an examination schedule that matches the willingness of the nine judges of the Constitutional Court.
Chairman of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) Jimly Asshiddiqie said nine constitutional judges would be examined behind closed doors regarding the investigation of public reports related to alleged violations of the code of ethics of constitutional judges in Case Decision Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023.
"It was closed because this trial was basically closed," said Jimly when met after the MKMK meeting at Building II of the Constitutional Court, Jakarta, last Thursday.
Jimly said his party was preparing a mechanism for examining constitutional judges. He said his party would hold a meeting with nine constitutional judges to convey the examination mechanism.
"The schedule is being compiled, some are busy (checked) in nine, some are one person, some are two people, some are five people, individually, depending on the report case," said Jimly.
It is known that the Constitutional Court finally declared the establishment of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court. The presence of the MKMK was to respond to a number of public reports against the judges of the Constitutional Court. The establishment of the MKMK was ratified at the Hakim Consultative Meeting (RPH). The MKMK consists of the Constitutional Court judge Wahiduddin Adams, the first chairman of the Constitutional Court Prof. Jimly Asshiddiqie, and legal expert Prof. Bintan Saragih.
It was noted that a number of community groups reported alleged ethical violations of nine judges from the Constitutional Court. Among them were carried out by the Advocate Nusantara Movement (National Government) and the Indonesian Democratic Defenders Team (TPDI), the Indonesian Legal Aid and Rights Association (PBHI), as well as the Central Leadership Council for People's Advocacy for the Archipelago (DPP ARUN) and the Lingkar Nusantara (Lisan) advocate community.
The series of reports were due to the Constitutional Court which decided seven material review cases of Article 169 letter q of the Election Law regarding the minimum age limit for presidential candidates (candidates) and vice presidential candidates (cawapres) on Monday (16/10/2023).
Six lawsuits were rejected. But the Constitutional Court decided to grant part of the lawsuit filed by a student named Almas Tsaqibbirru Re A. The case went to the Constitutional Court with number 90/PUU-XXI/2023. The verdict, which was pro-nomination of Gibran, was still knocked even though it was bombarded with four different opinions or the Dissenting Opinion of the Constitutional Court judge and two different reasons from the Constitutional Court judge.