Despite Being In The Office Today, Firli Still Asks The KPK Council To Postpone The Ethics Examination On November 8

JAKARTA - The head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri said KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri was at his office today, Friday, October 27. He conveyed this when asked for Firli's examination of the Supervisory Board to be postponed until November 8. Ali said Firli is currently carrying out a number of agendas. "What we know is that there are still several other agendas that are being carried out in the current office," Ali told reporters in his written statement, Friday, October 27. Meanwhile, the head of the other anti-corruption commission, he continued, is on duty outside the city. "Yesterday in Medan, Makassar, and Labuan Bajo," said Ali. "We want to emphasize that the KPK continues to work as usual to complete corruption eradication agendas," he continued. Previously, the KPK Supervisory Board has clarified a number of witnesses regarding the alleged Firli-Syahrul meeting. Meanwhile Firli will be clarified later because he is the reported party. The alleged meeting between Firli-Syahrul arose in the midst of investigating allegations of corruption in the Ministry of Agriculture after there were scattered photos. Reports to the KPK Supervisory Board were submitted by the Legal Concerned Student Committee. In the corruption case handled by the KPK, Syahrul allegedly extorted his employees by requiring to pay deposit money every month with the help of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Kasdi Subagyono, and the Director of Agriculture Agriculties of the Ministry of Muhammad Hatta. Nominal, which Syahrul, and must be deposited by echelon I-II employees, is around 4,000-10,000 US dollars.

The money collected is believed to have come from not only the realization of the Ministry of Agriculture's budget inflated or mark-ups but from vendors working on projects. The money is given in cash, transfers or goods. KPK then suspects that the money Syahrul received was used for various personal interests. Starting from Umrah with other Ministry of Agriculture employees, buying cars, repairing houses to flowing to the NasDem Party with a value of up to billions of rupiah.