There Is A Alcohol Seller Near The Taman Genjing RTH, The Satpol PP Is Helpless Because It Collides With The OSS
JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta Satpol PP reasoned that it had collided with the Online Single Submissionon (OSS) program formed by the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) related to the PD Evi store business which was suspected of selling liquor (alcohol) near the Pramuka park, Pasar Genjing, Central Jakarta so that no action could be taken.
Central Jakarta Satpol PP admitted that they could only check the completeness of permits from alcoholic store owners related to local wisdom. For example, have local residents agreed regarding the sale of alcohol.
Central Jakarta Satpol PP also gave responsibility to the Parks and Forestry Sub-dept. Responding to the problem, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Police, Arifin promised to immediately check the location of the sale of alcohol.
According to him, this check is to ensure that there are administrative matters.
"We will check the location to check the completeness of the permit," Arifin told reporters, Thursday, October 26.
Lack of supervision from City Parks and Forests officers and Satpol PP on a number of public spaces such as parks and other green open spaces (RTH) is still happening.
As seen in Pramuka park, Genjing Market, Cempaka Putih District, Central Jakarta. In this park, people are often abused by irresponsible people as a drinking party (alcohol).
"Almost every day I get a number of bottles of alcohol in the park area. At least three bottles of alcohol must be found in the park," said Individual Other Service Providers (PJLP) of the City Forest Implementation Unit (Satpel) Cempaka Putih District, Lusiadi, Monday, October 23.