Moeldoko Voices The Ideas Of Taman Sari Between Nations

Jakarta Presidential Chief of Staff, General TNI (Ret.) Dr. Moeldoko, has just attended an invitation as a speaker at the World Food Forum (World Food Forum) held by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization or FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), in Rome, Italy, from 16 to 20 October 2023.

Moeldoko invites global leaders and international organizations to work together in concrete actions to deal with the world food crisis. He also reiterated President Soekarno's idea, namely Taman Sari Inter-National'.

This idea emphasizes the importance of cooperation between nations to create a peaceful and prosperous world. In a peaceful and prosperous world, every nation can share resources, including food resources," said Moeldoko.

The 2013-2015 TNI Commander emphasized that food issues have become a common enemy that must be faced by the whole world. Moreover, FAO data shows that 735 million people in the world are threatened with chronic hunger. Food problems, according to him, are not only about filling the stomach, but are very decisive about the security of a country.

"When food security is disrupted, national stability and global stability will also be disrupted. Be Aware... Be Careful," he said.

Furthermore, Moeldoko said that Indonesia had initiated a joint movement in overcoming the world food crisis through leadership in global forums, such as G-20, ASEAN, and AIS (Archipelagis Islands State). In addition, Indonesia also participated in Triangular and minilateral South-South cooperation.

Domestically, continued Moeldoko, Indonesia is transforming the food and agricultural system. One of them is preparing young people in the agricultural sector from upstream to downstream. This is to answer the problem of regeneration.

"If the younger generation is not interested in entering the agricultural sector, the question is what in 20 years the world wants to eat if the number of farmers is lacking," said Moeldoko.

For this reason, said Moeldoko, he initiated several concrete steps to stimulate young Indonesians to enter the agricultural sector. Among them are through the Presidential Staff School which is a forum for young people to understand the complexity of state management in making public policies.

The Presidential Staff School, he added, has collaborated with FAO Indonesia, to provide an understanding of the threat of a food crisis and the importance of sustainable agriculture in the candidates for Indonesian leaders.

In addition, as the General Chair of the Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association (HKTI), Moeldoko has also initiated the Maju Tani Nusantara movement. This action, he explained, became a medium for young people to create modern farming methods, and updates to the agricultural business system by utilizing digital technology and artificial intelligence, with a meta farming model.

"I collaborated with the young people with farmers from generation X and baby bombers, so there was a exchange of wisdom and technology between them," explained Moeldoko.