Getting To Know Almas Tsaqib Birru Who Made The Mayor Of Solo Can Advance As A Vice Presidential Candidate

YOGYAKARTA Many people want to know who Almas Tsaqib Birru is, the plaintiff student of the Law (UU) regarding the age limit of the presidential or vice presidential candidate to the Constitutional Court (MK). To know him, see the following article.

Almas Tsaqibbirru Re A is the son of Boyamin Saiman, the Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI). He was born on May 16, 2000 in Surakarta, Central Java and studied in the same city as where he lives. Currently, he is known to live on Jalan Awan 123 Ngoresan RT 001/RW 022 Jebres Village.

It should be noted, Almas is an alumni of Surakarta University (Unsa). On campus he successfully completed his education and earned a bachelor's degree or strata 1 (S1) in the Law Study Program, Unsa. On that campus Almas completed his study period of 8 semesters or about 4 years.

The reason Almas filed a lawsuit on the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates is because of his concern over the current condition. According to him, many young people have the potential to become presidential and vice presidential candidates, but are actually hindered by age limits.

Apart from the reasons for filing his lawsuit against the presidential and vice presidential age limit, Almas Tsaqib Birru Re A is often referred to as an admirer of the Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who served for the period 2020-2025.

The figure of Gibran even became the ideal figure because during his reign, the son of President Jokowi succeeded in growing the Surakarta economy to 6.23 percent.

"For me, I am from Solo, I saw and felt the impact as long as Mas Gibran was the mayor. Many regional heads under 40 have a positive impact on the community," he explained.

It should also be noted that in filing his lawsuit, Almas was not alone. He was accompanied by Arkaan Wahyu Re A who was his younger brother.

Unfortunately, Boyamin Saiman, who is the father of the two plaintiffs, did not comment much on the age limit of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates. He only confirmed that the two applicants were his sons.

When asked for an opinion regarding the victory achieved by his two children when submitting a lawsuit to the Constitutional Court, Bonyamin did not give much response. He only asked to contact Arif Sahudi, who is Almas' legal counsel.

Previously, the Constitutional Court finally granted the judicial review lawsuit Article 169 letter q of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections regarding the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates at least 40 years old proposed by Almas.

In the case Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023, Almas asked the Constitutional Court to change the nomination requirements for presidential and vice presidential candidates at the age of at least 40 years or experience to become regional heads at the provincial and district/city levels.

"To try, grant the Petitioner's petition in part," read the verdict of Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman in the courtroom of the Constitutional Court building, Central Jakarta, Monday, October 16.

With the Constitutional Court's decision, the registration requirements for presidential and vice-presidential candidates can be granted if the registrant has been and is currently in the position chosen by election, even though the registrant has not reached the age limit of 40 years.

Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka himself is currently 36 years old. However, he has experience as Mayor of Surakarta. This means that he is qualified to run as a presidential candidate or vice presidential candidate.

The Constitutional Court itself has previously rejected three material test cases related to the presidential and vice presidential age limit, namely case number 29/PUU-XXI/2023 with PSI applicants who requested that the minimum age limit for presidential and vice-presidential candidates be 35 years.

In addition, it is case number 51/PUU-XXI/2023 with Garuda Party applicants who ask for an alternative experience as state administrators as a condition in addition to the minimum age of 40 years.

And the last is case number 55/PUU-XXI/2023 with the applicant Mayor of Bukittinggi Erman Safar et al with the same petitum as the Garuda Party.

That's information regarding who Almas Tsaqib Birru is. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.