Threatening to Spread Sex Tapes, Perpetrator of Extortion of Foreign Citizens in Batam Arrested

BATAM - Two of the three perpetrators of extortion of Singaporean foreign nationals (WNA) were arrested by the Lubuk Baja Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Batam City, Riau Islands. The suspects' mode of extortion was by threatening to distribute recorded immoral videos.

The perpetrator had to be paralyzed with hot lead because he tried to fight the officers when he was about to be arrested. One more perpetrator managed to escape on Monday, October 16.

Before taking action, two suspects named Tedi Kurniawan and Wahyu Saputra were caught on CCTV cameras before entering a hotel in the Pelita area, Lubukbaja, Batam City, Riau Islands.

In the video recording, the perpetrator immediately entered the hotel to meet the victim with the initials JU who at that time was already their target.

The two perpetrators were detained by officers when they were about to enter the Hang Nadim Airport area to try to escape, while the perpetrator Wahyu was detained in the Nagoya area of ​​Batam.

Lubukbaja Police Chief Commissioner Yudi Arvian said the three perpetrators had their respective roles. Some are tasked with looking for victims of online dating applications.

The method was that the perpetrators offered the victim massage services at the hotel. Then, when the victim was naked, the perpetrator entered the room and threatened the victim that he would share the victim's immoral videos.

Because he was afraid that the video would spread, the victim just resigned himself to having his valuables stolen by the perpetrators. The victim suffered losses of up to IDR 7 million, including IDR 1 million in cash, 600 Singapore dollar notes, a cell phone and important documents.

Meanwhile, the perpetrator with the initials HI managed to escape and is currently on the wanted list or DPO. The perpetrators were charged with Article 368 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code with the threat of 9 years in prison.