Blue Tick Loses Pornographic Content Spreader On Platform X

JAKARTA - Some users of X, previously Twitter, must have known that this platform is often used by sex workers.

Their accounts are easy to find when opening trending hashtags because they often promote themselves with pornographic content.

After the X Premium appeared, some of these workers subscribed in hopes of getting new clients.

Quoting from TechCrunch, Professional Dominatrix MistressUS pays a co-payer on the platform.

X Premium promises something profitable for its customers. By subscribing to IDR 165,000 per month, Premium X users will be prioritized in terms of interaction to reach by other users.

However, this didn't happen to girls and other workers. Even Rogue admitted that he felt cheated by Elon Musk.

The reason is, starting this week, X is fighting accounts with not safe for work (NSW) content as sensitive material.

Their accounts are limited in reach so that the clients they get decrease.

Their accounts will not go into the search to prevent people from seeing sensitive content.

Apart from not being able to be found, these sex workers' accounts are removed from the linemation, both for You, Following, notifications, and trends that are usually recommended.

With these various losses, Rogue also plans to cancel X Premium subscriptions.

Before Elon Musk took over and created many changes, Twitter was the only platform to tolerate explicit content.

Some people do use Twitter only to access pornographic content.

However, this becomes difficult because X starts eradicating nudity, pornography, and even anime videos that cause sexual arousal. All of this is recorded in policy X.

Although these workers complain that they are increasingly difficult to reach on platform X, this doesn't seem to apply to everyone.

VOI tries to open up random trending and pornographic content is still at the top.

All of this content was shared by an account that did not have a blue tick, which is very strange because X is quite striking with X Premium subscribers. Seeing this, X has not implemented a comprehensive pornographic content policy to the spreader.