Easy! Here's How To Set Odd-Even On Google Maps

YOGYAKARTA The odd-even setting method on Google Maps is very important to know, especially for those who often pass by in the capital city of Jakarta in four-wheeled vehicles or cars. This is because a number of roads in DKI Jakarta impose odd-even visits for every passing vehicle.

The odd-even rule implemented by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is a replacement policy 3 in 1. This rule aims to prevent congestion, especially during busy times such as the morning when leaving for work and in the afternoon when returning home.

How it works, vehicles with even police number plates can only operate on the even date. On the other hand, vehicles with even license plates may pass when the date of the number is odd.

The odd-even rule in DKI Jakarta is enshrined in Governor Regulation Number 88 of 2019 concerning amendments to Regulation Number 155 of 2018.

The odd-even policy applies on weekdays, namely Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. This policy does not apply on holidays or red dates.

In addition, the government also enforces this rule at certain hours, such as from 06.00 WIB to 10.00 WIB and from 16.00 WIB to 21.00 WIB.

Car drivers who violate the odd-even rule will be subject to a maximum fine of IDR 500 thousand or imprisonment for a maximum of two months.

Well, to prevent this, you can take advantage of the Google Maps application. With a few settings, this application can tell whether today includes odd or even days and which roads can be passed.

For information, the odd-even setting method on Google Maps can be done in two ways. First, through the settings menu. Second, perform odd-even settings when creating a route.

Here's how to set odd-even on Google Maps in the settings menu:

While the odd-even setting method on Google Maps when creating a route, namely:

That's the information about how to set odd-even on Google Maps. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.