Pimps Arrested In South Jakarta Apartments Have Selled 8 Women For Content

JAKARTA The South Jakarta Mtero Police are still developing a criminal case of selling people (TPPO) with the initials ACA victim (17) who was sold to a masher in an apartment in the Kebayoran Lama area. Meanwhile, the suspect's initials JL (30), as a pimp.

The police said that JL (30) had sold 8 women to Nico, a foreign national (WNA) who is now in search.

"JL admits that he has employed eight children where we confirmed this with the initials S,M,J,D,A,F and P", said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Bintoro to reporters, Thursday, October 12.

Bintoro also mentioned that the eight ABGs sold to foreigners were on average 17-19 years old. The women were asked to serve Nico at a price of Rp. 2 to 3 million.

"Every time you do this sexual act, you are videoed and recorded by Nico's brother and one of them is uploaded to social media which was reported by the family," he said.

Bintoro detailed that JL got to know Nico through an intermediary with the initials S who is currently under investigation.

"So the pimp insal JL was introduced to one of the witnesses with the initials S, which we are currently still investigating. Is it just introducing from there the suspect JL," he concluded.