Car Tire Pressure When Passing Toll Roads Is Recommended To Be Added, Here's The Reason

JAKARTA - Behind the comfort and security of a trip by vehicle, there are factors that are often overlooked but very important: the right tire pressure. This is not just an ordinary routine; ideal tire pressure not only increases driver comfort but also maintains road safety. This is where we need to discuss more about the important meaning of the ideal tire pressure and some useful tips for optimizing it.

Ideal Tire Pressure: Secrets Of Comfort And Safety

Each vehicle has ideal tire pressure recommendations, and usually this information is available on pillars near the driver's door. The ideal tire pressure is the result of in-depth research conducted by experts from vehicle manufacturers and tire manufacturers. This is a refined combination to ensure the best comfort and performance.

"The ideal pressure is the result of expert studies from vehicle manufacturers as well as from tire manufacturers themselves. In other words, this is a common ground between vehicle technology and appropriate tires," said Zupta Zainal of OVT GTRadial, when contacted by VOI.ID some time ago.

When Traveling On Toll Roads Long: Pay Attention To Adding Pressure

However, there are certain situations where drivers need to consider adding tire pressure. For example, when slashing a long toll road. Under conditions like this, Zupta Zainal recommends adding a pressure of about 3-5 Pound Square Inch (PSI) to the usual tire pressure.

Why is that? The addition of tire pressure on long toll roads aims to reduce deflection on the side of the tires.

"The goal is to reduce deflection on the side," Zulpata explained.

Deflexion is a change in shape on the surface of the tire that occurs quickly. When deflection is excessive, the thread on the tire wall can become tired, resulting in potentially harmful damage.

Why Is Deflection Dangerous?

Excessive deflection can be a serious problem. Tires experiencing excessive deflection can result in overheating, which in turn can damage the threads on the tire walls. As a result, the tire can moisturize and cause serious damage. This is a situation that all motorists want to avoid.

So, on a long toll road trip, make sure to pay attention to tire pressure and, if needed, add some extra PSI according to recommendations. This simple action can keep your tires in the best condition and provide a more comfortable and safe journey. Remember, good tire care is an investment in your safety on the road.