Still Determining The Vice President Candidate Ganjar, The Coalition Party Monitors Political Dynamics

Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said the name of Ganjar Pranowo's assistant vice presidential candidate (cawapres) continues to be matured. The general chairman of the supporting party is still talking about the right person.

"Yes, because they are ready to register, yes, later the general chairmen (who will discuss it, ed)," said Hasto to reporters at the High End building, Kebon Sirih, Jakarta, Wednesday, October 11.

Hasto said that various things continue to be considered to determine Ganjar's companion. "This includes the recent national political dynamics," he said.

In addition, the determination of the former Governor of Central Java will certainly follow the rules and political ethics. People's voices will also be heard.

In addition, the draft ; program will also be made accordingly. So that later it will become a leadership unit that answers various problems of the nation and state," said Hasto.

"Also accelerating all the extraordinary achievements that have been achieved by Pak Jokowi," he concluded.