Differences In The IMEI List Of The Ministry Of Industry And Customs And Excise, Plus Cellular Operators That Are Often Considered The Same

YOGYAKARTA - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that the percentage of cellular phone users in Indonesia in 2021 reached 65.87% and became the highest in the last 7 years. The circulation of mobile phones within the country has also become the government's attention, which since 2020 has imposed a cell phone blocking without a license sourced at the international mobile equipment (IMEI). So what is the difference between the IMRI list of the Ministry of Industry and what customs?

On this provision, mobile phone users are required to check their cellphone IMEI and register the IMEI of the cellphone they just bought. IMEI registration can be tried through Customs, cellular operators, and IMEI registered with the Ministry of Industry. Although often the same, the three have comparisons. Then, what are the differences?

Kepala Subdirektorat Humas dan Penyuluhan Bea Cukai, Hatta Wardhana, pada Selasa( 22/ 11) berkata kalau pendaftaran IMEI yang dilayani di Bea Cukai yakni atas telepon genggam, komputer genggam, serta tablet( HKT) impor, dengan syarat paling banyak 2 unit untuk masing- masing penumpang ataupun awak sarana pengangkut." HKT yang merupakan benda bawaan penumpang ataupun awak fasilitas pengangkut dari luar negara bisa diregistrasi IMEI- nya ke Bea Cukai dengan metode mengantarkan formulir permohonan kepada Bea Cukai lewat halaman https:// www. beacukai. go. id ataupun melalui aplikasi Mobile Beacukai yang ada di Playstore.

Then, the proof of filling out the QR Code-shaped electronic form is informed to Customs and Excise officers on arrival in Indonesia, by displaying passports, boarding passes, invoices (if any), as well as other supporting evidence. If passengers have left the arrival terminal, the QR Code fact can be informed to the nearest Customs Office," he explained.

Launching from the official Beacukai website, IMEI registration through Customs for Hatta is free of charge. However, import duties and taxes (PDRI) HKT are always subject to imports. Each passenger is given a exemption of USD 500, and for the excess it will be subject to import duties and PDRI which consists of import duties of 10%, VAT 11%, and PPh 10% for those who have NPWP or 20% for those who do not have NPWP.

"For HKT imported using the delivery goods mechanism, IMEI registration is carried out by the post or deposit service company by filling in IMEI on the document registration note (CN). Although IMEI registration is free, shipping goods with a FOB value of more than USD3 to USD1,500 will be subject to import duties of 7.5% of the customs value, and VAT of 10% of the import value," he continued.

Hatta added, for HKT users who want to justify the registration status of the IMEI, their device can carry out self-checks via the www.beacukai page. go. id/check-imei. html. If the feature has been registered but has not obtained access to the cellular network, wait a maximum of 2x24 hours from registration. If until the time limit for the feature has not obtained access to the cellular network, please visit the Communications and Informatics Department call center (Kemenkominfo) via the 159 telephone line," he said.

Meanwhile, IMEI registration via cellular operator is recommended for foreign citizens (foreigners) whose cellphone number is only used for a while in Indonesia, such as for tourism, work visits, or visits while to Indonesia. This IMEI registration only applies for 29.

"Passengers or crew of foreign national transport facilities living in Indonesia for nineteen days, if they want to get access to Indonesian network kites, they can register or register IMEI at telecommunication operator service outlets. However, if they live in Indonesia for more than nineteen days, and want to get access to kites, the Indonesian network can register IMEI through the Customs website or through the Customs Android Mobile application with a maximum requirement of two units for each passenger or passenger carrier facility," he added.

Ada pula, menurut Hatta IMEI yang terdaftar di Kemenperin yakni spesial buat fitur HKT yang dijual secara formal di dalam negeri. Pengecekan IMEI- nya bisa dicoba lewat halaman https:// imei. kemenperin. go. id.

"The public needs to understand this IMEI registration procedure so that it does not experience restrictions on access to cellular networks on purchased devices. Customs and Excise itself will routinely provide socialization and education of IMEI provisions to increase public awareness," he concluded.

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