Angela Tanoesoedibjo To Benny Rhamdani Becomes Deputy Chair Of TPN Ganjar

JAKARTA - The National Winning Team (TPN) of Ganjar President added new personnel. This time they announced Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Angela Tanoesoedibjo to Deputy Chairperson of the Hanura Party Benny Rhamdani as deputy chairman.This announcement was made by the Chairman of the TPN Ganjar Presiden, Arsjad Rasjid after holding a meeting at the High End Building, Kebon Sirih, Jakarta today, Wednesday, October 4."For today we will get to know several additional deputy chairmen, deputy chairmen who are involved in the management of the President's Ganjar TPN. First, we have conveyed Angela Tanoesoedibjo, we know that she is the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy. He is also the Deputy Chair of the Perindo Party DPP,” Arsjad said at a press conference.In addition, Arsjad also announced another name as Deputy Chair of the TPN Ganjar Presiden. Among them is Benny Rhamdani who is the Chairman of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI).Then there is also the name of the Chairman of the PDIP DPP Ahmad Basarah. “ So today, we will (reveal it, ed) in due course. Every day or two days or once we will issue information about the management in TPN,” he said."This is what I said once again and the lower line will continue to increase until later on regristration or closing when we enter the form to KPU," continued Arsjad.Furthermore, Arsjad said those who joined had attended the meeting. In this activity, a number of matters related to Ganjar's victory continue to be discussed, including strategic issues.Arsjad said the team that had been asked to continue to come down introduced Ganjar. “ Gerak, movement, action, action, action that's what we did, ” he said.
Not only that, the team also had to carry out a positive campaign. Don't let the impression of a presidential election (pilpres) become scary.“ Not attacking each other, prioritizing national unity and integrity. We must carry out a positive campaign, ” concluded Arsjad.