Chronology Of Elementary School Students Jumping From 4th Floor In South Jakarta Being Investigated By Police

The South Jakarta Police said a series of events before the elementary school student (SD) with the initials SR jumped from the 4th floor of the SDN 06 Petukangan Utara building, South Jakarta, on September 26, 2023. So what is the chronology of elementary school students jumping from the 4th floor in South Jakarta?

The incident began when all students at the elementary school, including SR, participated in "pembuasan" activities before the teaching and learning activity (KBM) began.

"So the series of events that in the morning were in accordance with the school's agenda, starting at 06.30 there was an activity of concentration for drama or theatrical performances," said Deputy Chief of Criminal Investigation at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Henrikus Yossi, to the media crew, Monday, October 2.

However, in this activity of strengthening, SR was involved in pushing each other with one of his classmates and the incident was reported to the homeroom teacher. After that, the homeroom teacher called SR and his friend after the cultivation activity ended at 07.30 WIB.

The two were also given advice in front of the classroom before the KBM began. After mediating and giving advice, the two of them jointly shook hands.

After that, the person concerned went to the bathroom and did not return to class. After that, he received news from the teacher in the next class that the deceased was already in a lower position," said Yossi.

As previously reported, the police are still investigating the problem of SR jumping from the 4th floor of his school building in the Petukangan area, South Jakarta, Tuesday (26/9/2023) yesterday. Including exploring the motive for the victim to jump from the height of the building, causing his life to die.

"We are still investigating the motive. We are still conducting a review of the witnesses. We have not been able to formulate the motive for what he did," said Head of the South Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit, AKBP Bintoro.

Furthermore, investigators have also carried out a review of 4 witnesses. The four witnesses were 2 teachers each, as well as 2 students. However, as a result of the investigation of the four witnesses, the investigators have not concluded what the motive for the victim's jump was from the 4th floor.

"We still haven't concluded (the motive). Because what is clear is that the stages of the examination process are needed, if it is clear we will convey it," said Bintoro.

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