6 Fire Day At TPA Simpang Kandis OKU Can't Be Extinguished

The Forest and Land Fire Task Force (Karhutla) of Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatra, is trying to extinguish the fire that hit the landfill at Simpang Kandis, Gunung Meraksa Village, six days ago.

OKU Police Chief, AKBP Arif Harsono, revealed that the fire that had taken place at the Simpang Kandis TPA, Gunung Meraksa Village, Lubuk Batang District, since last Wednesday, has not been extinguished.

The fire, which involved a large pile of garbage in the TPA, threatened the settlements of residents around it, because of the towering flames.

Efforts to extinguish the fire continue to be carried out by joint officers from the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), the Indonesian National Police (Polri), the Fire Department (Damkar), the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), the local community, and various other agencies.

"We have conducted a review to monitor the latest developments at the Simpang Kandis TPA, Gunung Meraksa Village," explained OKU Police Chief, AKBP Arif Harsono.

The results of the review show that the task force team in the field continues to try to extinguish the blaze by pouring water on a pile of garbage that emits thick smoke.

In an effort to optimize the extinguishing of the fire, the OKU Resort Police will send a water cannon car to help accelerate the extinguishing of the fire in the pile of garbage.

In addition, the authorities have coordinated with the OKU drinking water area company (PDAM) to provide tank cars to supply water to water canons as fire extinguishers.

These steps were taken given the very hot weather during the day, which increased the risk of the fire spreading. What's more, around the location there are gardens owned by residents that can be threatened if the fire is not extinguished immediately.

The OKU Karhutla Task Force continues to fight hard to extinguish the fire at the Simpang Kandis TPA, hoping to control the increasingly troubling situation for local residents and the surrounding environment. Hopefully the extinguishing effort will run smoothly and the fire can be extinguished immediately for the sake of mutual safety.