Convoy With Sajam, 4 ABG In Tangerang Arrested By Police
TANGERANG - Police have arrested four big new children (ABG) who carried sharp weapons in the Jalan KH Hasyim Ashari Gang Inpres 1, Pinang, Tangerang City, Sunday, October 1. It is suspected that they were about to fight.
Pinang Police Chief, Iptu Hendi said the incident occurred on Sunday, October 1, at night. He added that the initials AK (14), SS (16), MF (16) and RAP (20).
"We have secured 4 teenagers with sharp weapons (sajam) of the type of sickle suspected of being involved in a brawl," Hendi said when confirmed, Monday, October 2.
Hendi explained that the incident began when his party was on patrol in his jurisdiction. However, in the midst of activities, his party received reports that a group of ABGs had convoys using motorbikes with sharp weapons of the type of sickle.
On that basis, members went to the location of the teenagers. As a result, four ABGs were secured and evidence of three sharp sickle-type weapons.
"He also secured sharp sickle-type weapons, 4 cellphones and 3 motorbikes used for convoys," he said.
The current 4th remjaa was brought to the Pinang Police. The goal is for further action.
Dalam proses hukumnya, pihaknya juga melibatkan Unit Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak (PPA) Polres Metro Tangerang Kota bersama Balai Pemasyarakatan (Bapas) anak maupun P2TP2A untuk menangani dan mendampingi kasus ini. Termasuk memanggil orang tua dan sekolah yang bersangkutan.
"For his actions, we have now secured the teenagers at the (Pinang Police) office for further investigation," he concluded.