Kemarau Panjang, Tangsel City Government Provides 50 Toren For Its Citizens
TANGSEL - The South Tangerang City Government (Tangsel) has provided 50 torens of clean water for its area. This happens because many residents lack clean water, in the aftermath of the long dry season.
"Dinastikan karya siap sampai 50 toren," kata Wali Kota Tangerang Selatan, Benyamin Davnie, Senin, 2 Oktober.
Benjamin explained, each unit of tons can accommodate 20 thousand cubic liters of clean water. Even this month it is ready for use.
Then for the location of the device, it can also be moved as needed.
"It is prioritized in Setu District at residential points that are experiencing a clean water crisis," he said.
Benjamin also said that the short-term solution is that every day the clean water supply is distributed to affected residential areas. The supply reaches three to four tanks per day.
The clean water supply is prepared by PT Pembangunan Investasi Tangerang Selatan (PITS), as the parent company of a local Regional Owned Enterprise. "PITS can afford 10 tanks of clean water per day," he concluded.