Kompolnas Ensures That The Case Of The Death Of Walpri, The Head Of The Kaltara Police, Is Completely Investigated

JAKARTA - Member of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) Yusuf Warsyim ensured that the case of the death of Brigadier HS, the personal bodyguard of the North Kalimantan Police Chief (Kaltara) Daniel Aditya Jaya, would be investigated in a professional and transparent manner.

Yusuf said Kompolnas had conducted a search related to the incident by coordinating and communicating with the Kaltara Police.

"Yes, while waiting for complete information from the (Kaltara) regional police to check what really happened), especially the autopsy in question," Yusuf said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 22.

According to Yusuf, the Kaltara Police have been responsive and conveyed to the public about the incident of the death of Brigpol HS in his room on Friday afternoon.

To ensure that the handling of cases runs professionally and transparently, Kompolnas directly monitors and encourages the Kaltara Police Chief to step down directly.

"So, Kompolnas will continue to monitor, including encouraging the regional police chief to go down directly to ensure the handling process is professional and responsive to the family," he said.

Yusuf also ensured that the Kaltara Police were responsive in handling the incident. Kompolnas is currently continuing to coordinate and communicate from Jakarta.

However, it is possible that Kompolnas will go directly to monitor Kaltara, such as the death of SPN Kemiling student, Lampung, on behalf of Advent Pratama Telaumbauna some time ago.

"Meanwhile, the monitoring of the regional police has been responsive. Kompolnas is still coordinating and communicating from Jakarta," he said.

Confirmed separately, the Kaltara Police Chief Inspector General Daniel Aditya Jaya said Brigpol HS served as a personal bodyguard, not his aide.

He said that currently a joint team from the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation, Profession and Security Affairs (Propam) and the Medical and Health Division of the Kaltara Police are conducting an in-depth investigation to reveal the cause of BrigpolHS' death.

"We and the ranks of the Kaltara Regional Police are deeply saddened by the death of BrigpolHS. The victim was found dead in his room," said Daniel.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the North Kalimantan Police, Police Commissioner Budi Rachmat, emphasized that Brigpol HS did not die of suicide.

"Not suicide, it is suspected that the victim was cleaning the firearms. So, due to negligence," he said.

The body of Brigpol HS, who served as Banit 3 Subden 1 Den Gegana, the Brimob Unit of the Kaltara Police, is planned to be flown to his hometown in Semarang, Central Java, for burial.