Five Surabaya City Government Employees Register For Legislative Candidates Will Be Fired If They Don't Resign

Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi emphasized that he would impose sanctions on Surabaya City Government employees if they run as legislative candidates (caleg). It is known that five of his subordinates were caught registering as legislative candidates in the upcoming 2024 Legislative Election.

"If you don't resign later on October 3 (the announcement of the list of permanent candidates), then there will be the first sanction," said Eri, in Surabaya, Thursday, September 21.

Not only the first sanction in the form of a verbal warning, Eri confirmed that he would remove them from their positions that were carried out, and even dismissed from their jobs. Therefore, Eri asked them to immediately resign as employees at the Surabaya City Government.

Eri denied the five people as state civil servants (ASN) of the Surabaya City Government. Eri called them only contract workers, aka outsourcing staff. However, the sanctions still apply to them.

This policy refers to the rules in the General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) Number 10 of 2023 concerning the Nomination of Members of the House of Representatives, Provincial Regional House of Representatives, Regional House of Representatives of Regency/City.

"If it is not resigned, then immediately released from the position that is now accepted," he said.

Not only employees of the Surabaya City Government, Eri also reminded RT/RW and the Village Community Empowerment Institution (LPMK) who lost their positions immediately and resigned. Because there is Perwali Number 112 of 2022 explained by the Head of RT/RW and LPMK, they cannot be actively involved in political parties.

"The sanctions are immediately released and get heavier sanctions," he said.