The Reason Why Bareskrim Remains Investigating The Blasphemy Case Of Panji Gumilang

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police continues to process cases of alleged blasphemy with the suspect Panji Gumilang despite the withdrawal of the report. The reason is that the case is not a complaint offense.

"It is to be understood that this case is not a complaint offense and this case is not a case category that can be resolved by restorative justice," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, Wednesday, September 20.

Ordinary offenses or not complaints mean that investigators can process them directly without the consent of the victim or the injured party.

On that basis, the handling of the alleged blasphemy case that has named Panji Gumilang as a suspect will continue.

"This case (alleged blasphemy against Panji Gumilang) is still being processed," he said.

Investigators have even handed over the Panji Gumilang case file to the Attorney General's Office (AGO). Originally, the research prosecutor had stated that the case file was incomplete, both formal and material.

"Today, investigators from the Dirtipidum Bareskrim have sent the case file back to the prosecutor after completing the P19 according to the prosecutor's instructions," said Ramadhan.

As previously reported, the Panji Gumilang camp claimed that three reporters in the alleged blasphemy case had withdrawn their report. Because, there is already a peace word between them.

The three reporting parties who were said to have withdrawn their reports were Ihsan Tanjung, Ken Kurniawan, and Ruslan Abdul Gani.

Meanwhile, in this case, Panji Gumilang is suspected of having multiple articles. First, Article 14 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning Criminal Law Regulations which carries a penalty of 10 years in prison.

Then, Article 45A paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph 2 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning ITE with a threat of 6 years in prison.

Finally, Panji Gumilang was also charged with Article 156A of the Criminal Code. In this article, the penalty is 5 years in prison.